RIPGRAF Registration 0.91 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please provide the following information, and include a Money order or cheque for $30 (US Funds) or $38 (CAN Funds for Canadian residents) and send it to: M. Nelson P.O. BOX 53 Sarnia, Ontario CANADA N7T 7H8 I can only accept personal cheques in US dollars drawn on US banks, OR in Canadian dollars drawn on Canadian banks. Money orders are preferred and will result in faster processing. You may also choose to register with either the Australian or German support sites (see the support.txt file for information on contacting those support sites.) =========8<============================================================ RIPGRAF 0.91 REG FORM Name : ______________________________________________________________ Street : _______________________________________ Apt : ____________ City : ________________________________ State/Prov: _________________ Country: ________________________________ Zip/Postal: _________________ Email : ______________________________________________________________ BBS Name: _____________________________ BBS number: (_____)___________ Would you use a RIPGRAF "support" BBS to download updates? Y / N Registered Keyfile & Disk Delivery Method: (check only one please) Send it to me in the mail [ ] Send the keyfile/iff2icn/iff2rip as Email [ ] (If you chose the second option, please create an account on my support bbs as soon as possible and leave me a message. The third option is only for USA and Canada. The third option will exclude all the example files and files you already have in order to cut down on the transfer time) Comment: (Write on back of form if needed) ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Date : _________________________ Signature:__________________________ Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery. Thank you for your support! =======================================================================